Got Muscle Health Club Meal Plans
Exercise alone isn't going to ensure weight loss. You have to avoid junk food and sugary drinks and consume wholesome, nutritious fruits, vegetables and lean meats to sculpt your body into a lean powerful machine.
Whether you're training to compete or just want to maintain your highest level of fitness, our meal planes will ensure that you meet your goals!

Series l
Lean Bodybuilder
The Lean Bodybuilder meal plans combine higher protein, lower fat and higher daily calories for the average person wanting to shed body fat, or an entry level or experienced bodybuilder getting prepared for competition. This meal plan has been designed using the cleanest (low in fats), highest quality foods possible, distributed between 5 to 6 meals each day to maintain a high metabolism.
Protein sources are provided by lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish and generic protein shakes. This meal plan may be somewhat limited in variety but has been clinically proven to maintain or increase lean muscle tissue when combined with a regular exercise routine consisting of cardiovascular and resistance exercises.
Mass Builder
Designed with the hard-gainer in mind, the Mass Builder meal plan provides meal plans and foods that yield higher carbohydrates and slightly higher fat to pack on the pounds where fast weight gain is desired. This meal plan has been designed to work in conjunction with a regular weight training program to stimulate muscle tissue growth. Meal replacement shakes are required for snack times to boost daily calories and provide convenience over preparing foods. The animal protein sources for these templates come from chicken, turkey, fish and red meats.
Low Cholesterol / Low Fat
The average American diet consists of 5 10 mg of dietary cholesterol per day. The Low Cholesterol meal plan provides intake averages less than 120 mg per day for the seven-day period. These menus contain plenty of fiber-rich foods including grains and vegetables which will help in lowering LDL levels (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. By combining a regular exercise program with these templates, one can raise HDL (good cholesterol ) levels and prevent future health problems. The primary source of proteins come from fish and poultry. Meals are distributed between 5 to 6 meals each day to boost metabolism.
Wheat Free
A small population have allergic reactions to foods that may contain wheat products. Avoidance of wheat and wheat containing foods is the first step in the treatment of wheat allergies. However, because wheat is a staple food product, wheat elimination diets are particularly difficult for a person and their family to maintain. The Wheat Free meal plan is designed to provide a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, low in fat, but with the absence of wheat by-products. Each day contains at least 5 small but frequent meals to help increase metabolism.
Weiqht Loss
The Weight Loss meal plan has been designed to yield fast results by combining the cleanest (low in &is), highest quality foods possible distributed between 5 to 6 meals each day to boost metabolism. Protein sources are provided by lean meats such as chicken, turkey and fish. This meal plan may be somewhat limited in variety but has been clinically proven to shed weight quickly when combined with a regular exercise routine consisting of cardiovascular exercises to burn calories and resistance exercises to maintain muscle tissue. The Weight Loss meal plan is very popular with male and female fitness enthusiasts to burn fat and maintain muscle.
Series ll
These menus are for the strict vegetarian or vegan. They include NO animal products. These menus ensure over 800 milligrams of calcium per day; a mineral that is hard to get for vegans. They also contain plenty of fiber and at least 72% of the RDI for Iron for the weeks average. The higher calorie levels contain all of the recommended iron for the day. These menus also contain plenty of healthy soy.
Heart Healthy
These menus are definitely Heart Healthy. They are all low-sodium (below 2400 mg sodium for each day). They contain plenty of fiber and contain NO red meat. These menus are low in far, especially saturated fat, and higher in unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated; the "heart healthy" fats. These menus are also low in cholesterol with no more than 200 mg per day. Also included in these menus are soy foods. Soy foods can help protect against heart disease by helping to reduce cholesterol levels.
Low Carb
These menus are low-carb (about 40% carbs) but still contain all of the essential nutrients. These menus are not, "no carb", but contain enough for good health and a healthy, successful weight loss. The carbs that are included are concentrated high fiber products. Also included in these menus are "Balance Bars" that are 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat. These meal bars make for easy but nutritious meals and fit right into these menus! These bars are also a great source of soy protein.
Mature Women
These menus are geared toward the older woman going through menopause. At this time in a woman's life, diet is especially important to health and well being. These menus meet the needs of these women. These Mature Women menus include good sources of fiber, are low in fat (24% fat), high in calcium and moderate in sodium. They contain soy products, which are believed to help fight symptoms of menopause as well as decrease the risk for certain cancers and help protect against heart disease.
LSeries III - Prevention and Recovery
Stroke Prevention / Recovery
The Stroke meal plans follow the ideas of the "DASH Diet" (Diet Approaches to Stop Hypertension), a set of dietary guidelines designed for those with high blood pressure but also a heart-heal in eating plan. Recent research research found that the DASH Diet, which I help lower blood pressure, might also reduce levels of homocysteine, a possible risk factor for heart disease and stroke.
The Dash Diet is rich in low-fat dairy foods, fruits, and vegetables as vc1l as low to saturated fat and total fat. This eating plan is rich in minerals that may help to lower blood pressure, especially calcium, potassium and magnesium. These templates are also jam-packed with vitamin C. A growing body of evidence suggests that people who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables daily to meet their vitamin C requirements have healthier blood pressure levels than those who don't These templates contain loads of fruits and vegetables, which allows for a moderate intake of sodium since these foods are so much lower in sodium than many other foods. Sodium continues to be a controversial issue when it comes to high blood pressure but it is always good general nutritional advice to follow a diet lower in sodium.
Stable Blood Sugar
Blood sugar or glucose is the body's main source of energy and is formed when any type of carbohydrate is digested. Keeping blood sugar levels stable or level throughout the day is vital to people with diabetes to help protect them from developing diabetic complications down the road. It is also imperative for people with hypoglycemia to help keep them feeling their best all day long. Tight control of blood sugar levels can also help you avoid hunger throughout the day. It is dips in your blood sugar levels that bring on those feelings of intense hunger. The Stable Blood Sugar meal plans are meant to help people keep their blood sugar levels as stable as possible throughout the entire day.
The meal plans incorporate six meals everyday to help minimize dips in blood sugar levels. They are packed with good nutrition including fiber, healthy fats, flaxseed and chromium that all play an important role in stabilizing blood sugar levels. If you have type I or type 2 diabetes, check with your physician before following any type of meal plan. Meal planning for diabetics should be individualized and based on individual nutritional goals as well as medications.
Heart Disease
Foods that you choose strongly influence the health of your heart; so better dietary habits can greatly reduce your risk for heart disease. These menus are for people who want to be health conscious and heart healthy. These menus follow the guidelines set by the American Heart Association to help reduce your risk of heart disease. They are jam-packed with fruits, vegetables, a variety of whole-grain products, and "good" fats. The menus are rich in foods that contain soluble fibers as well as omega-3 fatty acids such as fatty fish, nuts' and, flaxseed, which all help to lower cholesterol and protect our heart health. This heart healthy diet is high in B vitamins including B6 and folate, which may help to lower levels of a substance called homocysteine in the blood. High levels of homocysteine are a clear risk factor for heart disease.
Other heart healthy substances included in these menus are phytochemicals such as isoflavones found in legumes such as soybeans; lycopene found in produce such as tomatoes; indoles found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, polyphenols present in green or black tea; and betacarotene found in orange and yellow produce. Drink up your tea with these menus's. Current research finds that drinking tea regularly may protect arteries from plaque buildup. The foods contained in these menus increase your intake of not only phytochemicals but also antioxidants, which also can help to protect you from certain health problems such as heart disease.
Breast Cancer
These menus are for women who are seriouse about taking preventative steps to lower their risk for breast cancer. These menus are predominantly plant-based; are low in saturated fats yet moderate in unsaturated fats (the healthy fats); rich in calcium and moderate in sugar and sodium. These menus are high in fiber and whole-grains, which may help to fight breast cancer by lowering levels of estrogen in the body. These menus include good sources of unsaturated fats, specifically monounsaturated fats and Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish, flaxseed, and nuts, which also may help fight breast cancer.
The Breast Cancer meal plans are jam-packed with foods that contain phytochemicals, which may have a preventative effect against certain diseases including breast cancer. Phytochemicals include indoles in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, polyphenols present in green or black tea, lycopene in red colored produce, beta-carotene in orange and yellow produce and isoflavones in legumes such as soybeans. The foods contained in these menus increase your intake of not only phytochemicals but also antioxidants, which also can help to protect you from certain health problems such as breast cancer. These menus provide antioxiclants through a large variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.
Bone Health
Maximum bone loss occurs as early as the mid thirties. After that we begin to slowly lose bone density and/or bone strength. The "Bone Health" meal plans are on the cutting-edge of current research being done in the areas of bone strength and the prevention of osteoporosis. The nutritional goals in maximizing bone mass and minimizing bone loss include adequate intakes of calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C, vitamin A, manganese, copper, iron, zinc and unsaturated fatty acids. These menus include foods such as dairy products, fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, nuts and meats that are rich in all of these essential nutrients. Other important nutritional bone health goals that these menus include are limited amounts of sodium, limited amounts of caffeine and an adequate intake of protein.
Ongoing studies are linking vitamin K and vitamin B 12 to the prevention of hip fractures and to the strengthening of bones. These menus include foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, dairy foods, fish, beef, and eggs that are rich in both these important vitamins. In addition, these menus include isoflavones from soy foods, which are believed to help prevent osteoporosis and benefit bone health. Soyfoods and flaxseed are also excellent sources of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are known as plant chemicals and have been shown to either directly or indirectly impact bone turnover.
Cancer Smart
The Cancer Smart meal plans are for people who are serious about taking preventative steps in the area of nutrition to help lower their risk for cancer. These menus contain loads of plant-based foods; are low in saturated fats yet moderate in unsaturated fats (the healthy fats); rich in calcium and moderate in sugar and sodium.
These meal plans are full of fruit and vegetables, which according to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) are rich in substances that help reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and other chronic diseases like diabetes. Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is important because certain types of phytochernicals are found only in specific kinds of fruits and vegetables. Phytochemicals are "plant-chemicals" that have disease fighting properties and may help rid the body of carcinogens. For example, carotenoids, a group of antioxidants found in tomatoes, watermelon and sweet potatoes are believed to enhance immunity and heart health as well as play an anticancer role. Another type, lycopene, is linked to reduced risk of prostate and breast cancer. These meal plans are also high in fiber and whole-grains and contain soyfoods, which may help to fight some forms of cancer.
They also include good sources of unsaturated fats, specifically monounsaturated fats and Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish, flaxseed, and nuts, which also may help fight certain types of cancer. Consuming a diet high in fruits and vegetables ensures a diet that is full of important antioxidants such as vitamin C, E and A (in the form of beta-carotene). Antioxidants are also important in helping your body to prevent the DNA damage that can cause cancer.
Series IV - Glycemic Management
Hi to Low Glycemic Meal Plans
The glycemic index is a helpful tool that measures how fast a food that contains carbohydrates will raise your blood sugar. The values on the glycemic index chart are based on pure glucose. Glucose is a carbohydrate that absorbs very quickly into the body, which makes it a good base to compare other foods to. Glucose is given the value of 100 and all other foods are compared to that number. The closer a food is to the value of 100 the faster it will be absorbed into your bloodstream and the faster the body will use it up. The lower the number, the slower it is absorbed into your bloodstream.
The glycernic index only applies to foods that contain carbohydrates. That includes every food group except the meat and fat group. The Hi to Low Glycernic templates incorporates hi glycernic foods in the morning and afternoon for high energy and winds you down with low glycernic foods in the late afternoon and through the evening hours when you are less active.
Low Glycemic
The Low Glycemic meal plans do all the figuring for you. Following these menus helps you follow a diet that contains low glycemic foods. Most of the foods contained in these menus have a glycemic index of around 50 or less. Following a diet full of lower glycemic foods can help keep your blood sugar level from falling too rapidly. Low glycemic foods do not cause your body to release as much insulin into your bloodstream and, as a result, are broken down over a longer period of time. The result is a longer, steadier release of energy, helping you to feel more alert and energetic through your day. By following these menus, you will also be less likely to binge eat because your blood sugar levels are in balance.